Category: Marketing
Facebook Thumbnail Not Showing – How to Fix

Water Slider With a Spectacle View

Example of Google’s Poor Search Engine Algorithm

Removing Poor Quality Content
My primary reason for starting this blog is that I want to keep track of SEO changes we made to our blogs. Google has disliked our blogs for a long time, and we get little to no search traffic from Google. More on this later, but today we deleted a lot of content to see if this can have a positive impact on our search engine rankings. As Google’s Michael Wyszomierski has stated previously: “Our recent update is designed to reduce rankings for low-quality sites, so the key thing for webmasters to do is make sure their sites are theContinue reading »
Generating More Facebook Countefeit Ads

LoverSunglasses.com – Most Interesting Facebook Ad So Far

Legalrayban.jp – Dumbest Domain Name Ever?

Facebook Hoax Back in New Disguise for Graph Search
Today I noticed an old Facebook hoax back in a new disguise following the arrival of Graph Search. It is essentially the same message that proliferated Facebook at the end of 2012 as this Forbes article describes in some detail. The new version of the hoax states: “With the launch of Facebook’s new Graph Search tool yesterday, this is even more important. For those of you who don’t know about Graph Search. There is no question that Graph Search opens up a number of new ways that your content can be discovered and used, including not only content you madeContinue reading »
Trying to Report the Oakley Scam – Failure